A career counselor is a professional who helps clients to plan their careers and achieve their employment goals. Career counselors and coaches work with clients to teach them strategies for how to find new or different employment successfully.
Services Provided by Career Counselors
Career counselors and coaches provide a variety of services. You can get assistance with any part of the career planning process that you need. Here’s an overview of the services that are offered:

• Help clients to assess career values, interests and skills; investigate career options and envision a career path; and establish integration between work and personal life.
• Help clients identify obstacles impeding progress toward the establishment of career plans and coach clients on ways to overcome these challenges.
• Use a variety of tools including assessment exercises, interest inventories, personality tests and client interviews (in-person or long-distance via phone, Skype or video chat) to help identify appropriate options for consideration.
• Make referrals to psychologists or therapists if clients are unable to engage in the career-planning process or finalize decisions due to anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem.